An Adoptee Heals Through Creativity

S4, Ep. 10: Terrie

Terrie Novak was adopted as an infant in 1967. She and her adopted brother, Gene, grew up in the security of a loving family and in awareness of their adoption. When Terrie was 18, thanks to the heroic efforts of her first mother, she received her bio family's contact information. Today Terrie is privileged to a rare abundance of love shared with her first mother, biological siblings, as well as her adoptive parents, and her own bio kids. During the long solitude of the pandemic, Terrie was compelled to write about what it means to make a family under the traumatic circumstances of coerced adoption. After two years of interviews, research, soul searching, and writing, she published her debut novel:  Jules Fae, A Story of Adoption and Reunion.

How to find Terrie/Website

Terrie lives in Portland, Oregon with her cat Kimchi.

Also in this episode, Sarah and Louise discuss American Baby by Gabrielle Glaser.

Thank you to our sponsor S12F.

Joe Soll & other adoptee resources

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